Friday, November 7, 2008

A weekend without phones...

So this weekend is Camp Yamhill's Youth Leadership Seminar. It is a fabulous weekend spent with teenagers from around the Northwest who come to learn about how to learn about leadership skills and how to implement them into their lives. It's a great weekend - matter of fact, its one of my favorites.

But - what am I looking forward to most of all? I won't make you guess. It's the fact that there will be no cell phones. You heard me. NO CELL PHONES. For three whole days, a group of teenagers must lay down their phones. And not just because they want to - but because there isn't any cell service out at camp! So - they'll have to use their voices, make eye contact and read non-verbal clues. I'll even be happy to hear their sarcasm in person rather than via text.

Wow - they'll have to actually speak to one another! Just what will come of this?

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