Thursday, December 6, 2007

Prayer Request

I wanted to keep this story to myself (or a very limited number of people) - but only because it is easier for me. I just didn't want to deal with all of the people who will make a quick decision that my trip to Uganda should be postponed or cancelled. I am of the belief that this trip has been placed in God's hands and that He should determine the path for this mission trip and our team.

As I continue to read updates about this situation, I have realized how selfish it is for me not to tell others so that their prayers can be added to those already be placed in front of our God.

I share it now with you.

Below is an edited e-mail our Faith Quest Uganda 2008 team received yesterday from Greg Woods (our fearless leader) :

"There has been an Ebola outbreak in the Bundibugio District of Uganda, in the hill country near Karagutu. The US Center for Disease Control is already on scene. Jeff Cash has said that this should be well under control by the time we arrive. The only effect on ourFaith Quest Uganda team froom the U.S. will be a change in itinerary. Whereas the team has traveled through Karagutu in the past; we will avoid this area altogether and work with small bush churches in other areas. This disease is spread by bodily fluids like AIDS. Jeff said a person would generally have to sneeze or cough right in your face for you to contract it. A person should wear layered clothing, mask and goggles in the affected areas. Jeff is suggesting that in the next few weeks, Americans not use public transportation in Uganda as a precaution. Jeff and Cheryl's good friend Dr. Myhre, a medical missionary with World Harvest is working directly with those affected. Jeff has asked for prayers of protection for the Myhre's and those that are serving with them. Jeff feels that it does not pose any eminent danger for the work and areas we will be in, but that he will keep us posted as to any changes. He also said that if you want to learn more about Ebola you can go to the CDC website and type in Ebola."

The story regarding the ebola outbreak in this area has been posted on just a few news websites - and overall there hasn't been a lot of coverage in the U.S. I direct you to the Mhery's blog if you would like more information about the front-line work being done in this area by the Mhery's and others:

Mhery Blog

There are some very touching and personal stories on this blog, as well as pictures.

Cheryl Cash posted a request for prayer covering over this situation on her blog as well. I join her in asking for your prayers for all of those who are affected by this horrible disease.

Join me in seeking the healing power of the Great Physician.


Tiffany said...

I was obsessed with Ebola when I was like 12. I read Outbreak, it was a bit of mistake...Anyway, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Adventure on I say! PS maybe next year we can meet up........

pss i'm in town on the 22nd through 25th

Rob Dennis said...

I think you should go to Uganda and lay some spiritual warrior smack down. Tribal Warriors!!!!

Tiffany said...

I'll be there for 2 years in north western africa...don't know which country yet. Peace Corps and what not...the boy is going to wait for me :)