For now, ignore the funny-looking guy on the right - I will blog about him later. Take this moment to appreciate the beauty that God has created in the beautiful child in his arms. Miss Anaiah Martin - what a beautiful, sweet spirit this baby girl has!
Many people might think that such a young child does not have much of a role on the mission field. I would greatly disagree with you. On a continuous basis, Anaiah provides the following:
For her dad (Andrew) - A way to show other men how they should love their children.
For her mom (Aimee Jo) - A way to be grounded, focused, and to grow in the special, God-given privilege of motherhood.
For the Cash Family - A way to be reminded of how special and beautiful life is with just one smile.
The Faith Quest Uganda 2008 team was so thankful to have little Anaiah to love on. She made us laugh, she reminded us of those we missed at home, and she provided us with a reason to be goofy.
I know it is difficult for her family back in the States to watch her grow from afar. And for those grandparents, aunts, uncles, counsins, friends, etc., who are so far away from her, I leave you with this: Thank you for letting her touch the family of God in Ft. Portal. She is a breath of fresh air to all who worship there. I know God is using her to help His kingdom grow.
Anaiah - we love and miss you. May you grow healthy and strong. May you be an ambassador for the Lord. May your heart always overflow with love for those around you.
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