Thursday, September 11, 2008

Apple Pie and Voltron

Have you ever tried to explain to a teenager the whole idea that Jesus is the Son of God, yet Jesus 'is God'? You start off by using the verses where Jesus says: "I and the Father are one" (John 10:30) and "The Word was God" (John 1:1) just hoping they get it the first try? It's not an easy discussion, for adults, much less teenagers!

The subject came up in a bible study with Claire and Lindley this week. So - my weak attempt to explain the whole idea was, of course, to reach for the "Apple Pie" explanation. Just how is this discussion related to dessert, you ask? Let me explain:

God is all the ingredients/individual pieces that it takes to make the apple pie.

Jesus is the apple pie itself - the actual physical representation of all of those ingredients.

The Holy Spirit is the smell of the apple pie. You smell it and you know it is apple pie - even without seeing the pie itself.

So it works like this: God is everything - Jesus became the physical representation of God on earth ("He made himself flesh" Philippians 2). The Holy Spirit is the essence of God/Jesus left behind to guide us.

It's not a perfect explanation - but it seemed to work.

The response from Claire: "So - Jesus is God in baked form."

Claire makes me smile. I don't think God has a problem with her sense of humor because it emphasizes her understanding - and its better than her not getting it at all.

For entertainment value, I found this description on-line today from an anonymous writer's response to a question about the Trinity. Some of you will appreciate this more than others:

"I see the Trinity as Voltron. There are a bunch of smaller robots, but they all combine into one huge robot. The small robots are Voltron when combined, yet he can detach an arm and send it somewhere. It's an "arm of Voltron", but it's part of the whole"

OK - so kind of like apple pie, right?

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

ah the apple pie talk. we should talk trinity sometime lol. you crossing the pond anytime soon?